package swagger

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. swagger
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ApiKeyParam[Param <: CanHoldApiKey, name, x](in: In) extends Product with Serializable
  2. final case class AsMultiOpenApiParam[T](fields: NonEmptyList[OpenApiParamField]) extends AsOpenApiParam[T] with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait AsOpenApiParam[T] extends AnyRef
  4. trait AsOpenParamInstances[TC[x] >: AsSingleOpenApiParam[x]] extends AnyRef
  5. final case class AsSingleOpenApiParam[T](typ: SwaggerType, required: Boolean = true) extends AsOpenApiParam[T] with OpenApiParamInfo with Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait CirceSwaggerTypeableInstances extends AnyRef
  7. trait DescribeTypeable[T] extends AnyRef
  8. final case class DescribedType(typ: SwaggerType, description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, title: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait GenericSwaggerTypeable[T] extends SwaggerTypeable[T]
  10. trait LowLevelSwaggerTypeable extends AnyRef
  11. type MediaType = String
  12. final case class MethodDeclare[method](method: Method) extends Product with Serializable
  13. trait MkSwagger[T] extends SwaggerBuilder
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  14. final case class OpeApiLicense(name: String, url: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  15. final case class OpenApi(openapi: String = "3.0.0", info: OpenApiInfo = ..., servers: Vector[OpenApiServer] = ..., components: OpenApiComponents = ..., paths: PathMap = ..., tags: Vector[OpenApiTag] = ..., externalDocs: Option[OpenApiExternalDocs] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final case class OpenApiComponents(schemas: TreeMap[String, DescribedType] = ..., securitySchemes: TreeMap[String, OpenApiSecurity] = ...) extends Product with Serializable
  17. final case class OpenApiContact(name: Option[String] = scala.None, url: Option[String] = scala.None, email: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  18. final case class OpenApiExternalDocs(description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, url: String) extends Product with Serializable
  19. sealed trait OpenApiFormat[T <: SwaggerValue] extends AnyRef
  20. final case class OpenApiInfo(title: String = "", description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, termsOfService: Option[String] = scala.None, contact: Option[OpenApiContact] = scala.None, license: Option[OpeApiLicense] = scala.None, version: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
  21. final case class OpenApiMediaType(schema: Option[SwaggerType] = scala.None, example: Option[Json] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  22. final case class OpenApiOp(tags: Vector[String] = ..., summary: Option[String] = scala.None, description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, externalDocs: Option[OpenApiExternalDocs] = scala.None, operationId: Option[String] = scala.None, servers: Option[Vector[OpenApiServer]] = scala.None, parameters: Vector[OpenApiParam] = ..., requestBody: Option[OpenApiRequestBody] = scala.None, responses: OpenApiResponses = ..., security: Vector[Map[String, Vector[String]]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable
  23. final case class OpenApiParam(name: String, in: In, description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, required: Boolean = true, schema: Option[SwaggerType] = scala.None, deprecated: Boolean = false, allowEmptyValue: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
  24. final case class OpenApiParamField(name: String, typ: SwaggerType, required: Boolean) extends OpenApiParamInfo with Product with Serializable
  25. trait OpenApiParamInfo extends AnyRef
  26. final case class OpenApiRequestBody(description: Option[String] = scala.None, content: Map[MediaType, OpenApiMediaType] = ..., required: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable
  27. final case class OpenApiResponse(description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, content: Map[MediaType, OpenApiMediaType], headers: Map[String, SwaggerValue] = ...) extends Product with Serializable
  28. final case class OpenApiResponses(default: Option[OpenApiResponse] = scala.None, codes: Map[StatusCode, OpenApiResponse] = ...) extends Product with Serializable
  29. final case class OpenApiSchema() extends Product with Serializable
  30. final case class OpenApiSecurity(type: OpenApiSecurityType, scheme: Option[OpenApiSecurityScheme] = scala.None, name: Option[String] = scala.None, in: Option[In] = scala.None, description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  31. sealed trait OpenApiSecurityScheme extends EnumEntry
  32. sealed trait OpenApiSecurityType extends EnumEntry
  33. final case class OpenApiServer(url: String, description: Option[String] = scala.None, variables: Map[String, OpenApiServerVariable] = ...) extends Product with Serializable
  34. final case class OpenApiServerVariable(enum: Vector[String], default: String, description: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  35. final case class OpenApiTag(name: String, description: Option[SwaggerDescription] = scala.None, externalDocs: Option[OpenApiExternalDocs] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable
  36. type StatusCode = Int
  37. final case class SwaggerArray(items: Eval[SwaggerType], minLength: Option[Int] = None, maxLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  38. final case class SwaggerArrayValue(items: SwaggerValue, default: Option[Vector[Json]] = scala.None, collFormat: Option[CollectionFormat] = scala.None, minItems: Option[Int] = scala.None, maxItems: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  39. final case class SwaggerBooleanValue(default: Option[Boolean] = scala.None) extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  40. trait SwaggerBuilder extends AnyRef
  41. final case class SwaggerContent[T](types: List[SwaggerType]) extends Product with Serializable
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  42. type SwaggerDescription = String
  43. final case class SwaggerEnumeration(alts: Vector[String]) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  44. final case class SwaggerIntValue(format: Option[OpenApiFormat[SwaggerIntValue]] = scala.None, default: Option[Int] = scala.None, maximum: Option[Int] = scala.None, exclusiveMaximum: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, minimum: Option[Int] = scala.None, exclusiveMinimum: Option[Boolean] = scala.None) extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  45. final case class SwaggerMap(value: Eval[SwaggerType]) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  46. class SwaggerMapKey[T] extends AnyRef
  47. trait SwaggerMapper[T] extends FunctionK[MkSwagger, MkSwagger]
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  48. trait SwaggerMapperInstances1 extends AnyRef
  49. final case class SwaggerMedia(typ: SwaggerType, mediaType: MediaType) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  50. final case class SwaggerNumberValue(format: Option[OpenApiFormat[SwaggerNumberValue]] = scala.None, default: Option[BigDecimal] = scala.None, maximum: Option[BigDecimal] = scala.None, exclusiveMaximum: Boolean = false, minimum: Option[BigDecimal] = scala.None, exclusiveMinimum: Boolean = false) extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  51. final case class SwaggerObject(properties: Vector[SwaggerProperty] = ..., required: Eval[Vector[String]] = ...) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  52. final case class SwaggerOneOf(alts: Vector[(Option[String], Eval[SwaggerType])], discriminator: Option[String] = None) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  53. implicit class SwaggerOps[x] extends AnyRef
  54. class SwaggerPrimitive[Typ <: SwaggerValue] extends SwaggerType
  55. final case class SwaggerProperty(name: String, description: Option[String], typ: Eval[SwaggerType]) extends Product with Serializable
  56. final case class SwaggerRef(name: String, descr: Option[String], typ: Eval[SwaggerType]) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  57. final case class SwaggerStringValue(format: Option[OpenApiFormat[SwaggerStringValue]] = scala.None, default: Option[String] = scala.None, maxLength: Option[Int] = scala.None, minLength: Option[Int] = scala.None, pattern: Option[String] = scala.None, enum: Option[Vector[String]] = scala.None) extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  58. sealed trait SwaggerType extends AnyRef
  59. trait SwaggerTypeable[T] extends AnyRef
  60. trait SwaggerTypeableInstances extends LowLevelSwaggerTypeable with CirceSwaggerTypeableInstances
  61. sealed trait SwaggerValue extends AnyRef
  62. final case class SwaggerXML(typ: SwaggerType, options: SwaggerXMLOptions) extends SwaggerType with Product with Serializable
  63. case class SwaggerXMLOptions(name: Option[String] = None, attribute: @@[Boolean, Skippable] = false, prefix: Option[String] = None, namespace: Option[String] = None, wrapped: @@[Boolean, Skippable] = false) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ApiKeyParam extends Serializable
  2. object AsOpenApiParam extends AsOpenParamInstances[AsOpenApiParam]
  3. object AsSingleOpenApiParam extends AsOpenParamInstances[AsSingleOpenApiParam] with Serializable
  4. object DescribeTypeable
  5. object DescribedType extends Serializable
  6. object GenericSwaggerTypeable
  7. object MagnoliaSwagger
  8. object MethodDeclare extends Serializable
  9. object MkSwagger
  10. object OpeApiLicense extends Serializable
  11. object OpenApi extends Serializable
  12. object OpenApiComponents extends Serializable
  13. object OpenApiContact extends Serializable
  14. object OpenApiExternalDocs extends Serializable
  15. object OpenApiFormat
  16. object OpenApiInfo extends Serializable
  17. object OpenApiMediaType extends Serializable
  18. object OpenApiNumberValue
  19. object OpenApiOp extends Serializable
  20. object OpenApiParam extends Serializable
  21. object OpenApiRequestBody extends Serializable
  22. object OpenApiResponse extends Serializable
  23. object OpenApiResponses extends Serializable
  24. object OpenApiSchema extends Serializable
  25. object OpenApiSecurity extends Serializable
  26. object OpenApiSecurityScheme extends Enum[OpenApiSecurityScheme] with CirceEnum[OpenApiSecurityScheme]
  27. object OpenApiSecurityType extends Enum[OpenApiSecurityType] with CirceEnum[OpenApiSecurityType]
  28. object OpenApiServer extends Serializable
  29. object OpenApiServerVariable extends Serializable
  30. object OpenApiTag extends Serializable
  31. object PathDescription
  32. object SwaggerArrayValue extends Serializable
  33. object SwaggerBooleanValue extends Serializable
  34. object SwaggerBuilder
  35. object SwaggerContent extends Serializable
  36. object SwaggerFileValue extends SwaggerValue with Product with Serializable
  37. object SwaggerIntValue extends Serializable
  38. object SwaggerMapKey
  39. object SwaggerMapper extends SwaggerMapperInstances1 with Serializable
  40. object SwaggerMedia extends Serializable
  41. object SwaggerNumberValue extends Serializable
  42. object SwaggerObject extends Serializable
  43. object SwaggerPrimitive
  44. object SwaggerProperty extends Serializable
  45. object SwaggerRef extends Serializable
  46. object SwaggerStringValue extends Serializable
  47. object SwaggerType
  48. object SwaggerTypeable extends SwaggerTypeableInstances
  49. object SwaggerValue
  50. object SwaggerXML extends Serializable
  51. object SwaggerXMLOptions extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
